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The Línea Directa Aseguradora S.A. "Línea Directa" application, for state-of-the-art mobile devices, offers its customers and all drivers the following features: 

· Breakdown assistance: By pushing a button on this application customers who require assistance with their vehicles can request the breakdown service. The application automatically sends the request and makes it possible to identify the location of the vehicle. 
· Data consultation: Customers can consult insurance policies purchased from Línea Directa Aseguradora.
· Presenting claims: This feature makes it easier for customers to make a claim in a quick and intuitive way so that they can initiate the processing stage of presenting the claim for the incident that has occurred. 
· Claims tracking: This feature allows customers to follow the progress of the claims that they have presented to Línea Directa Aseguradora, make queries about them, send images and/or attach documents. It also offers them the option of selecting the garage where they wish the damage to their vehicle to be assessed and repaired in the case of an accident. 
· Photo Assessment: Users can send photographs of the vehicle that are required to purchase the insurance policy, without being required to arrange an appointment with an appraiser in order to assess the condition of the vehicle. 
· “Suma en Línea” digital card. This application makes it possible to download the Suma digital card that forms part of Línea Directa Aseguradora’s Suma Loyalty Programme. Members of the Suma Programme can use this card to receive a number of benefits in those establishments run by associated partners and pay less when renewing their insurance policy with Línea Directa Aseguradora.
Users of the mobile application who are not Línea Directa Aseguradora customers can also access the following services: 
· Accident guidelines: This consists of guidelines that explain the steps a driver must take in the event of his or her vehicle being involved in an accident. They explain how to take down details, when it is advisable to call the emergency services and many other useful tips that might be required. 
· Blood alcohol level simulator. This consists of a simulator, which, once the user has entered the details required by the application, gives an indication of the possible level of alcohol in the blood. The application provides a theoretical, strictly indicative result, which under no circumstances determines if the user is in a fit state to drive a motor vehicle. 
· Videos and infographics. The application contains videos and infographics of a practical nature relating to motoring issues. 
· Where is my car. This feature will help users to remember where they have parked their vehicle due to the fact that it enables them to attach notes and photographs and offers them a map to make it easier for them to locate it. 
· Parking alarm. Users can activate an alarm that will notify them when they must renew the parking ticket. 
· Telephone Guide. Offers a list of all the useful telephone numbers that might be required by the user of the application. 

The owner of the Mobile Application “Línea Directa” is LÍNEA DIRECTA ASEGURADORA, S.A. COMPAÑÍA DE SEGUROS Y REASEGUROS, located in Tres Cantos (Madrid), Calle Isaac Newton, 7 with NIF A-80871031, registered in the Madrid Mercantile Register, Volume 7,902, Sheet 41, Page M-127697.